'."\n"; if($mysection=="home"){ $picShow=8; //anzahl der angezeigten bilder (default 8) $picSize=31; //anzahl der zur verfuegung stehenden bilder for($i=0;$i<$picSize;$i++){ $picIndex[$i]=-1; } srand ((double)microtime()*1000000); for($i=0;$i<$picSize;$i++){ $maxTry = 50; do { $randval = rand(0,$picSize-1); $maxTry--; } while($picIndex[$randval] != -1 && $maxTry > 0); if($picIndex[$randval] != -1){ $newIndex=0; while($picIndex[$newIndex] != -1 && $newIndex < ($picSize-1)){ $newIndex++; } $randval = $newIndex; } $picIndex[$randval]=$i; } include 'includes/picture.js.php'; } else { ?> function init(){ } '."\n"; ?>
lang=de" >Deutsch | lang=en" style="color:#6699BB;">EnglishImpressum

'."\n"; echo "\t\t".''."\n"; if($i==3) echo "\t
\n"; } ?>

Saturn Film offers authors and directors in close cooperation with European coproduction-partners a platform, on which films with unique stories are created in order to meet the contemporary demand for entertainment.

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